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Keshav Aggarwal

Assistant Professor

Email keshav [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Analytic Number Theory, Automorphic forms

Office 106-A, Department of Mathematics


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U.K. Anandavardhanan


Email anand [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Number Theory

Office 204-C, Department of Mathematics


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Niranjan Balachandran

Associate Professor

Email niranj [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Combinatorics

Office 211-D, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 9466(O)

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S. Baskar

Associate Professor

Email baskar [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations: Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations; Applications to Nonlinear Wave Phenomena. Computational Finance and Stochastic PDEs: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Methods; Deep Learning for Financial Applications.

Office 106-E, Department of Mathematics

Home B-198, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai - 400 076.

Telephone 022 2576 7463(O) , 022 2576 8463(R)

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Monika Bhattacharjee

Assistant Professor

Email mbh [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests High-dimensional statistics, change point analysis, stochastic networks, time series analysis, free probability, random matrix theory.

Office 115-E, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 9469(O)

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Ayan Bhattacharya

Assistant Professor

Email ayanbh [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Extreme Value Theory, Stable Processes and Fields, Branching Random Walks, Point Processes, Random Walks in Random Environment, Branching Processes.

Office 112-A, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022-25767491(O)

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Saurav Bhaumik

Assistant Professor

Email saurav [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Algebraic Geometry (more specifically: Algebraic Stacks, étale Cohomology, Intersection Theory, Families of Quadratic Forms, Higgs Bundles, and Geometric Langlands Correspondence).

Office 112-F, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 9461(O) , 022 2576 5461(R)

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Chandan Biswas

Assistant Professor

Email biswas [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Fourier Analysis

Office 202-F, Department of Mathematics


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Bata Krishna Das

Associate Professor

Email dasb [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Multivariable Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Operator Spaces.

Office 204-B, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 9460(O)

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Ashish Das


Email ashish [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Design of Experiments

Office 210-C, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 7486(O) , 022 2576 8486(R)

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Debraj Das

Assistant Professor

Email debrajdas [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Asymptotic Theory of Statistics, Rates of Convergence to CLT, Edgeworth Expansions, Bootstrap, Empirical Likelihoods, Time Series, Statistical Analysis of Networks

Office G3-D, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 7453(O)

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Santanu Dey


Email dey [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Multivariable Operator Theory, C* and von Neumann Algebras, and Noncommutative Probability, Operator Algebras

Office 210-F, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 9457(O)

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Shripad M. Garge

Associate Professor

Email shripad [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Algebraic Groups and Related Structures

Office 104-E, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 7473(O) , 022 2576 8473(R)

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Sudhir R. Ghorpade

Dr. K. V. Ramachandran Chair Professor

Email srg [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Schubert varieties, Linear codes and varieties over finite fields

Office 106-B, Department of Mathematics

Home 103, Vishalgadh, IIT Staff CHS, Near Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai - 400 076.

Telephone 022 2576 7470(O) , 022 2570 7643(R)

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Sudarshan R. Gurjar

Associate Professor

Email sgurjar [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Algebraic Geometry

Office 106-D, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 9463(O)

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Ananthnarayan Hariharan

Associate Professor

Email ananth [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Commutative Algebra

Office 116-C, Department of Mathematics

Home IIT Powai, Mumbai - 400 076.

Telephone 022 2576 9465(O)

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Harsha Hutridurga

Associate Professor

Email hutri [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Homogenization of differential equations; Mathematical statistical mechanics; Invisibility and meta-materials

Office 202-D, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 9474(O)

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Manoj K. Keshari


Email keshari [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Projective Modules

Office 204-D, Department of Mathematics

Home Staff Hostel Annexe 30, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai - 400 076.

Telephone 022 2576 7469(O) , 022 2576 8469(R)

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Anusha Mangala Krishnan

Assistant Professor

Email anushamk [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Differential Geometry

Office 211-G, Department of Mathematics


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K. Suresh Kumar


Email suresh [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Risk-sensitive control theory; Stochastic control; Mathematical finance

Office 106-C, Department of Mathematics

Home B 91, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai - 400 076.

Telephone 022 2576 7489(O) , 022 2576 8489(R)

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Prachi Mahajan

Associate Professor

Email prachi [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Several Complex Variables

Office 112-C, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 9406(O)

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Swapneel Mahajan

Associate Professor

Email swapneel [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Coxeter groups; Hopf algebras; Operads

Office 211-C, Department of Mathematics


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Kummari Mallesham

Assistant Professor

Email mallesham [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Number Theory

Office 115-C, Department of Mathematics


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Madhusudan Manjunath

Assistant Professor

Email madhu [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Combinatorial Commutative Algebra, Tropical Geometry

Office 204-A, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 9473(O)

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Saikat Mazumdar

Assistant Professor

Email saikat [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Geometric Analysis, Nonlinear partial differential equations

Office G3-C, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 9475(O)

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Debanjana Mitra

Associate Professor

Email deban [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Partial Differential Equations, Control Theory in PDE, Optimal Control

Office 115-A, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 9471(O)

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Mayukh Mukherjee

Associate Professor

Email mukherjee [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Geometric Analysis, high energy eigenfunctions and Quantum Ergodicity, spectral theory,Theoretical Deep learning

Office G3-E, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 9472(O)

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Siuli Mukhopadhyay


Email siuli [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Design of Experiments, Generalized Linear Models, Disease Surveillance

Office 204-E, Department of Mathematics

Home D-07 (CSRE Building), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai - 400 076.

Telephone 022 2576 7495(O) , 022 2576 8420(R)

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Neela Nataraj

Institute Chair Professor

Email neela [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Numerical Analysis, Finite Element Methods, Finite Volume Methods, Optimal Control Problems.

Office 211-B, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 7468(O) , 022 4005 1993(R)

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Sourav Pal

Associate Professor

Email sourav [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Multivariable operator theory and several complex variables

Office 112-E, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 9459(O) , 022 2576 5459(R)

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Sanjoy Pusti

Associate Professor

Email sanjoy [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Harmonic analysis on Lie groups, Special functions associated with root systems

Office G3-B, Department of Mathematics

Home Van Vihar, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai - 400 076.

Telephone 022 2576 9455(O)

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Tony J. Puthenpurakal


Email tputhen [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Blowup Algebras, Hilbert Functions, Local Cohomology, D-modules, Invariant Theory, Complete Intersections, Asymptotic Associate Primes, Endomorphism Rings of Reflexive Modules.

Office 106-F, Department of Mathematics

Home B-145, Satpura Building IIT-Bombay, Powai Mumbai 400 076

Telephone 022 2576 7487(O) , 022 2576 8487(R)

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Ravi Raghunathan

Associate Professor

Email ravir [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Automorphic Forms; L-functions; Converse Theorems

Office 202-E, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 7471(O) , 022 2576 8365(R)

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Preeti Raman

Associate Professor

Email preeti [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Algebra and Number Theory

Office 210-B, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 7493(O)

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Sutanu Roy

Associate Professor

Email sutanu [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Quantum Groups, Quantum symmetries, Operator Algebras.

Office 204-F, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 7456(O)

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Parthanil Roy


Email parthanil [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Stable Random Fields, Extreme Value Theory, Branching Random Walks, Elephant Random Walks

Office 211-A, Department of Mathematics


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Koushik Saha

Associate Professor

Email ksaha [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Random matrices, Extreme Value Theory, Free Probability and Statistics

Office 104-D, Department of Mathematics

Home C 82, Building No. 13, C Type, IIT Bombay

Telephone 022 2576 9454(O)

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Suman Kumar Sahoo

Assistant Professor

Email suman [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Inverse problems, Integral geometry, Partial differential equations, Analysis on Manifolds, and Phase retrieval problems

Office G3-G, Department of Mathematics


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Rekha Santhanam

Associate Professor

Email reksan [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Algebraic Topology; Homotopy Theory and Topological Combinatorics

Office 202-B, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 7466(O) , 022 2576 8538(R)

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Ronnie Sebastian

Associate Professor

Email ronnie [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Algebraic Cycles, Moduli Spaces, Special Values of L-Functions

Office 211-F, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 9464(O)

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Sandip Singh

Associate Professor

Email sandip [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Arithmetic Groups, Lie Groups, Thin Groups

Office 210-D, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 9462(O)

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Sivaji Ganesh Sista

Associate Professor

Email siva [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Partial Differential Equations; Homogenization

Office 210-E, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 7476(O) , 022 2576 8476(R)

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Krishnan Sivasubramanian

Professor & Head of the Department

Email krishnan [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Combinatorics

Office 112-D, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 7461(O) , 022 2576 8461(R)

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Murali K. Srinivasan


Email mks [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Combinatorics

Office 104-C, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 7484(O) , 022 2576 8484(R)

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G.K. Srinivasan


Email gopal [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Partial Differential Equations, Special functions and Orthogonal polynomials

Office 104-B, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 7454(O)

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Srikanth Srinivasan

Associate Professor

Email srikanth [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Theoretical Computer Science

Office Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Telephone 022 2576 7494(O)

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Radhendushka Srivastava

Assistant Professor

Email radhe [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Time Series Analysis; Non Parametric Regression; High Dimensional Data

Office 211-E, Department of Mathematics

Home IIT Powai, Mumbai - 400 076.

Telephone 022 2576 5456(O)

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Balmohan V. Limaye

Professor Emeritus

Email bvl [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Functional Analysis

Office Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Home 10 A, Anjaneya CHSL, Orchard Avenue, Powai, Mumbai 400 076.

Telephone 022 2576 9452(O) , 022 2570 2193(R)

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Dipendra Prasad

Emeritus Fellow

Email dprasad [at] math.iitb.ac.in

Research Interests Algebraic number theory, Automorphic forms, Representation theory.

Office 112-B, Department of Mathematics

Telephone 022 2576 7477(O)